Roulette Next Number Calculator


If you are planning to play at roulette online with real money, it is imperative that you become familiar with the probability of winning in a game. Hence, you must know how the Roulette probability calculator works. This is particularly important for roulette because each bet has a specific mathematical winning probability. The odds are impacted by the kind of roulette you will play and the rules applicable to it.

Lazy Roulette Calculator will be the best assistant for every roulette player! Just click on the drop-down number and you will get the calculation, statistics, and forecast of the next game result. Features of Lazy Roulette Calculator: - maintaining and displaying detailed statistics on all roulette results. Become familiar with the types of roulette bets. Assuming everything to this point is ok, now you repeat the process described in step 3 to find number A. This is called the raw prediction. Now you need to bet a specific number of pockets from this number. This will be something like +5,+6 or so numbers from the number A.

In this article, you will find the most asked questions about calculating the winning probability in a roulette online game.

You must also know that there is the gambler’s illusion: Red or Black? Casinos promote this illusion. That is why casinos show the statistics of past spins. Those statistics do not have a practical value, and they cannot be used as a guide to predict upcoming numbers and their colours. The roulette novices must know that each number is on a specific colour.

There are answers to important questions that are asked about roulette, which you must also take note of.

How to Calculate Probability in Roulette?

The roulette wheel has 37 equally sized spaces. Since this is the case, the ball will most likely land equally in any space. That means a roulette’s probability distribution is equal. This is different from American roulette probability because their wheel has 38 spaces.

Calculations{{ gameTypeTitle() }}Calculate the roulette probability of {{ getSelectedType().title }} Bet along with the expected return on your {{ amount ? `$${ amount }` : ' }} bet=
{{ getSelectedTypeValue() }} Numbers{{ gameType }} Total Numbers
Success Percentage = Outcome Probability x 100%=
{{ getSelectedTypeValue() ? getSelectedTypeValue() : 'x' }}{{ gameType ? gameType : 'x' }}
x100={{ successPercentage() }}% {{ successPercentage() }}% You Win = ${{ winResults() }} Expected Return on your Bet = {{ expectedReturn().type }}${{ expectedReturn().amount }}
Expected Return
Success Percentage = {{ successPercentage() }}% You Win = ${{ winResults() }} Expected Return on your Bet = {{ expectedReturn().type }}${{ expectedReturn().amount }}

These are the values that need to be calculated:

  • Since there are 37 spaces, the probability of a ball landing on one of them is 1/37.
  • There are 18 red spaces 18, so the chance of a ball landing on a red is 18/37.
  • The black or green spaces equal 20, so the probability that the ball will not land on red is 20/37.

If you bet 1€ on red, and the ball lands on red, you will win it back, and the amount is doubled, so you profit 1€. If you bet 2€ on red, but the ball lands on green or black, you will lose your bet (-2).

Here, ”A” is used as the variable for the calculation to represent your winnings in roulette from red that takes the value of 2€. The probability is 18/37 and will take the -2 value with 20/37 probability. Here is how you should do the roulette probability formula:

P(Red) x A (value for red) + P(Not red) x A (value that is not red) = 18/37 + 2 + 20/37x (-1) = 0.4865.

Interpreting the results of the probability roulette calculator:

You must remember that the expected value’s meaning is used to interpret the results. The value you can expect is like the average measurement. It is an indication of what will happen each time you bet 2€.

Even if you win multiple times consecutively, you will averagely lose 5 cents in the long run while you play. The house advantage comes from the 0 and 00. This is a very small advantage, making it hard to detect, but the house will always win at the end of your game.

Roulette next number calculator estimate

You must know that the true odds represent the probability of roulette outcome, rather than the possibility. However, the casino is not going to pay out winnings based on true odds. The winning bets are paid using the 1:35 odds, and the even money wagers have a 1:1 payout. This is because of that one zero pocket.

What is the Probability of Winning at a Roulette Wheel?

These bets are quite different, and they are exclusive to French/European roulette only. The numbers in this wheel are combined based on the roulette wheel’s position instead of the table. There are two kinds – fixed and variable.

Zero’s neighbours – These are bets that cover 17 numbers, and all of those are near green zero. You would have to put at least nine chips so that all those numbers are covered, and you will have winning odds of 45.9%. There is no fixed payout, and it can be as high as 24:1, which depends on the number that wins. This is also called “the grand series.”

Wheel thirds – These are the 12 numbers that are directly situated from across neighbours of Zero. This has a probability of 32.4%, with a payout that is set at 17:1. This is quite like dozen/column bets when it comes to the odd terms and payout.

Zero Game – This is a smaller version of neighbours of Zero. It covers only seven numbers that are closest to slot green zero. There is an 18.9% bet winning odds here, and the payout could be up to 26:1.

The Orphans – The bet that covers the remaining numbers that were not yet mentioned. There is a 21.6% chance of winning this bet, and payouts can be 35:1 or 17:1.

These are fixed call bets. Your variables here are the neighbours where you will place bets on five neighbouring numbers, and your winnings are at 13.5%. The remaining variable is called the ‘finals’ where your bet is on the last digit. Based on the numbers, there is an 8.1% and 10.8% probability.

The European table only contains one zero, and this is a big difference to players. European roulette odds have better odds since there is only one pocket that could make the round fail. That also means there is a smaller house edge in a European roulette compared to American roulette that has 0 and 00.

Some roulette games in Europe have more rules that are more helpful to the player in beating the house edge. If a casino is offering a la partage, that means you are only using half of your even money bet in case the ball lands in zero. The probability of winning a roulette wheel cannot really be predicted because the previous sequences do not impact the current one.

What is the Highest Roulette Odds Probability?

You only have one chance of winning and 37 ways of losing the bet. That means your probabilities in roulette odds are 37 to one, and this makes it a thrill. Calculate odds with roulette odds calculator online.

In order to understand this in terms of money, you must realize that the winner’s payoff is not 36:1 roulette odds because it will be a fair game. It is rather 35:1. The casino will short you out by two units because the casino will not make a profit if it pays odds fairly. Thirty-six will be divided into two and times 100 to reveal a house edge of 5.26%. Hence, roulette odds do not reflect actual roulette payouts. If you check a roulette probability chart, you will see the probability for each set of numbers.

Odds for Success:

Even, odd, black, red, 1-18, and 19-36 all have a probability of 48.6% if the payout is 1:1.

1-12, 13-24, and 25-36 have a probability of 32.4% if the payout is 2:1.

Single number with a payout of 35:1 have a probability of 2.7%.

Two numbers with a 17:1 payout have a 5.4% probability.

Three-number combo with an 11:1 payout has an 8.1% probability.

Four-number combo with an 8:1 payout has a 10.8% probability.

Six-number combo with a 5:1 payout has a probability of 16.2%.

You can use these statistics when you try the roulette wheel probability calculator, but it does not guarantee anything.

How to Use Probability When Playing Roulette?

You can beat roulette by improving the probability of your odds. Roulette is famous for being a tricky game, and that is because of the huge house edge it has. There is no solution to how you can win roulette each time it spins. However, if you want to maximize your winning potential, you would have to use the odds wisely. Even if it is really based on luck, you can do a couple of things to increase your chances of winning a nice payout.

You must know your odds

The odds that are placed in bets vary greatly, so if you want to maximize your bankroll, you need to know your odds.

If you use a probability roulette wheel in a game, you can find out if you can beat the math in your game.

Roulette Next Number Calculator

A system could combine the playing and money management strategy. If you have enough bankroll, you can increase your chance of winning by doubling your bet after each loss, and you will not reach the table limit, which you can easily do. However, this is not really a guarantee.

Whatever your strategy is, they could suffer in the same way. Assuming all wheel numbers have the same probability, which means there is no bias. The math would mean the casino always wins. The system might look great, and it works short term, but if it lands on a number you did not bet on, you are going to lose. The casino will move to winning with a house edge of 2.7% or 5.26%.

There are systems that involve betting on a lot of numbers, like 20. If this is the case, you will win more often because you are betting on most of the numbers. However, if none of them turn up, you will lose all bets. This could wipe out your wins.

What is the Probability of Red in Roulette?

If the ball lands on red, you win 1€. Then, the next step is to bet 1€ on black. Always change the colour when you win. If it’s black, you will lose the first 1€. Then bet 2€ on red. If you lose, you stay in red and double your bet until you win. For instance, losing 1€, you must bet 2€ on red; if you lose again, bet 4€; another loss, bet 8€ on red. When you win, change to black and bet 1€.

If zero comes up, which rarely happens, you lose your 1€. Then, bet 2€ on red again, and keep doing this until you win before you can change colour.

There are 37 numbers on the wheel. There are 18 blacks and 18 reds. Therefore, the winning odds of red are 18/37, which is 0.4865. The odds of black are the same. The same goes for any “even chance” bet that includes highs and lows, and evens and odds. The odds are not changing, no matter how many times red or black have appeared in a row. Consider your loss when you bet on black. What you do not realize is that the odds of red or black coming up is not affected by any sequence. This is the case in all losing roulette online game.

The calculation is very simple. There are no changes except for the amount that you made a bet on. You are either lucky, and you could win back what you lost, or lose it all. The casino owner does not care if you win because they know there is always a loser in every win. If you think about it, there are more losses than wins.


What is the Probability of Black in Roulette?

Since each spin is a new event, black can come up with the same probability as red anytime during the play, no matter how many times each colour wins. Particularly with European roulette where there are 18 blacks, 18 reds, one zero.American roulette has two zeros, which is not good for your winning chances. Hence, the probability of black is 18/37 = 0.4765 or 48.65%.

Black and red have the same probability, which seems paradoxical, and it is expected that the colour changes fast. It could be from a probability point that it is senseless to assume the colour that has not won for a long time could most likely appear now.

American vs. European Roulette

Anyone who is trying to figure out the difference between American and European roulette must understand the double and single zeros, watch roulette rules in 6 min video. The American version has double zeros. In the European roulette, the croupier spins the reel with 37 pockets, and the small ball falls into one when the spinning stops. Any number on the wheel has an odds of 35/1, and if you succeed, you earn your bet back. That means the house edge is 2.7% and the RTP rate is 97.3%

The American roulette wheel is the same, but it has an extra pocket – double zero. The same principle is applicable when you bet on a pocket the ball falls into, and each number has an odds of 35/1. Your stake is given back to you if your bet succeeds. However, even if the odds are the same, your chance of succeeding becomes less because of the extra pocket. Hence, the house edge is 5.26%, and the RTP is 94.74%. Therefore, you have a bigger chance of winning if you play European roulette.

The House Edge Difference

Even if there is only a subtle difference, and it may look irrelevant, it has a huge impact on how your games will turn out.

When there are lower odds, there are bigger payouts. However, as logical as it may be, it is not the same with American roulette. Even if the odds are lower, if you bet on a winning number, you will also get paid 35:1, which is the same in European roulette.

The Return to Player (RTP) Percentage

In roulette, it is essential to take note that this is theoretical because it is based on what is returned to a player on hundreds of spins, and all kinds of bets are available.

You could get great results by just spinning a few lucky spins, or you might not win at all. Players who focus on making Even Money bets such as Black or Red receive more winning bets compared to players who just choose their favourites. However, the odds are only suggesting that.

If you want to consistently win in roulette, you must not base your chances on the sequences and patterns. It is sensible to see 1,2,3 spinning patterns, but that is not different from 31,8,15 spinning. The betting progression does not change except for the amount. You can only beat roulette if you can change the winning odds. You must also take note of the differences between American and European roulette because it can greatly affect your winning chances. Therefore, it is important to know how the Roulette probability calculator works.

The MOST asked questions about Roulette Probability Calculator

Roulette wheel has 37 fields (American one – 38). So, the probability of hitting one of them is 1/37 or 2.7%.

Your winning probability may vary depending on your chosen bet type. If you would decide to pick only one number then you would have 2.7% chance of winning. However, if you would go for a Red/Black bet then you would have a 48.6% chance of winning and so on.

If you would go for Even/Odd, Red/Black or Low/High bets then a probability of hitting is – 48.6%, Column and Dozen bets has a 32.4% probability of winning and a bet on a Single Number has a 2.7% chance of winning.

Why a chance of winning in American roulette is lower ❓

American roulette has 38 fields instead of 37 (additional 00). As a result, your chances of winning become lower.

Roulette is a game of luck after all and in the end casino will win. Always be aware and gamble only with money you can afford to lose.

Which roulette bet has the highest probability of winning ❓

Red/Black, Even/Odd and Low/High bets has a highest chance of winning – 48.6%.

Roulette Next Number Calculator Formula

Which roulette bet has the lowest probability of winning ❓

A bet on a single number has the lowest chance of winning – 2.7%. However, it has the highest payout – 35 to 1.

You may have read about players winning vast sums with hidden calculators. “Roulette calculators” is another name for roulette computers.

The Basics Of Roulette Calculators

Essentially they are hidden electronic devices that measure the variables of the roulette wheel. Most commonly, the variables are the ball speed, the rotor speed, and the deceleration rates of each. At least this is how a typical roulette computer works.

Usually to determine the rotor and ball speed, the player clicks a hidden button. This button is usually hidden under the player’s toe, inside their shoe. You may assume that the ball or wheel is too fast for the players clicks to have any accuracy. Generally most players are able to make timings within 50 ms accuracy. This is usually fine when the rotor is slower. But errors in calculations snowball over time, and especially with faster rotors.

Timing Errors and Inaccuracies

There are a few ways to deal with timing errors, as discussed below.

Firstly, the player can take timings of multiple revolutions. If only one revolution is timed, the errors can be manageable. Essentially if calculations are based on inaccurate measurements, then inevitably the predictions won’t be accurate.

Secondly, multiple players can be used to take timings of the same revolutions. For example, the players may require a very early prediction. Perhaps they only have time to measure the speed of one ball revolution. A single player measuring such timings with a hidden button cannot be accurate. However, two or more players measuring the speed significantly reduces errors in calculations. As far as we are aware, the only roulette calculators that have this ability are here.

Roulette Next Number Calculator Online

Ineffective Calculators

To this point, the only roulette calculators discussed are roulette computers. But there are in fact many different types of calculators, although most have little to no effect. These are the typical calculators used for online casino roulette, where there is no physical roulette wheel.

An example of a completely ineffective calculator is one which tracks repeat numbers. For example, it’s a common misconception that hot numbers are more likely to repeat. A hot number is basically a number that has spun more frequently than others, at least in recent times.

A hot number calculator is the simplest example. There are considerably more complex calculators, which are equally ineffective. It is common gambler’s fallacy when the player thinks a pattern exists, which does not exist in reality. A simple way to determine if a theory is fallacy, is to test carefully. But you can’t just test with short-term data. Short-term results are meaningless and subject to variation. Basically in the short term, anything can happen.

The emphasis of testing should be on whether or not the best selection method increases the accuracy of predictions. Put into a practical context, you’d know there are thirty-seven numbers on the European roulette wheel. So statistically, if you bet on one number, you would win an average of one in thirty-seven spins. The payout is just 35-1, which means payouts are unfair. This is the house edge of -2.7%. So even when you win, you still lose because the payouts are unfair.

So how can you overcome the unfair payouts? The only way is by increasing your accuracy of predictions, to be significantly better than random. In this case, random is one in thirty-seven.

Roulette Next Number Calculator Excel

Determining The Accuracy Of Calculators

Testing roulette computers is very tricky business. You need to know exactly what you are looking for. As a general rule, testing any method, including roulette computers or calculators, you need to compare statistical averages to long-term results in trials. It is important to understand the roulette odds for comparison.

If for example you only considered thirty-seven spins, while betting on just one number, you may win three or so times. If you calculate your success rate, it would appear that you had an edge over the casino. If a different player on another table used the same system, they may get zero hits in thirty-seven spins, indicating their system didn’t work at all. If you base success rates only on the bare results such as this, you won’t have a clear understanding of the effectiveness of your system or calculator.

Roulette Next Number Calculator Estimate

Typically with calculators such as roulette computers, the success is measured in a direct number hit rate. For example, one in fifteen spins. This means the player can expect approximately one win every fifteen spins, if they were betting only one number. Again this data alone is insufficient to measure accuracy. Therefore not only the direct number hit rate is considered, but also how frequently the ball landed close to the predicted number. If this information was placed on a chart, the effectiveness of a roulette computer is easy to see and verify.

In most cases, the chart will display more than one area where the ball is landing. These areas are called peaks. It is not uncommon to have two or three peaks on a chart. Usually the number of peaks corresponds to the number of dominant diamonds. A dominant diamond is simply a metal deflector that the ball hits more frequently than others.

To better understand the effect of dominant diamonds, consider the following. If you have a wheel at home, keep the rotor static and do not spin it. Just spin the ball very softly. After around ten or so spins, you will find the ball tends to hit specific diamonds more than others. Note the number under a particular diamond. For example, number 0 may be at a specific point. Again keep the rotor static and do not spin it. After each spin, measure the distance in pockets between your reference number, and the winning number. Place these distances on a chart with the x-axis values being 0 to 37. You will find almost always the number of dominant diamonds corresponds to the number of peaks on your chart. So if you have two particular diamonds that are always hit by the ball, you will have two clear peaks on your chart. The main difference in real play is the rotor is spinning too, but the physics is all the same.

Testing roulette calculators like roulette computers is far more involved, because there is far more to consider than plain statistics. Firstly you need to determine if the method of timing acquisition is accurate. Already with manual clicks of a hidden button, there is around 50 ms of error. While this can be reduced with methods such as multiple clicks and multiple revolutions, there is still some error. But with a correctly designed calculator, the overall errors from timings are negligible. There are also various other problems that need to be solved by accurate algorithms and calculations. For example, the ball deceleration rate is not linear, and is subject to constant change. Therefore robust methods must be used to test such algorithms. Further details of testing is beyond the scope of this article.

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