Roulette Engelsk

Per quanto riguarda la tassazione dei servizi di gioco d'azzardo, il nuovo regime prevede un’aliquota differenziata tra
[...] [...] casinò tradizionali(roulette,black jack, baccarat, [...]
punto banco, poker e macchine da
gioco collocate al loro interno) l’aliquota massima sarà pari al 75 % degli introiti lordi (le puntate meno le vincite) per i giochi al tavolo e al 71 % degli introiti lordi per le macchine per gioco d’azzardo situate in locali appositamente adibiti (segnatamente, macchine per giochi a premi, quali le slot machines collocate nelle sale gioco e nei ristoranti); la fornitura on line degli stessi giochi sarà invece soggetta ad un’aliquota unica del 20 % degli introiti lordi.
Regarding the taxation of online and land-based gambling services, the new tax regime will impose a differential tax treatment between online and land-based
[...] [...] land-based casinos (roulette, black jack, baccarat, [...]
punto banco, poker and casino based
gaming machines) will amount up to 75 % of gross gaming revenue (GGR — stakes minus winnings) and 71 % of GGR for land-based gaming machines (i.e. amusement with prizes (‘AWPs’) such as slot machines in gambling halls and restaurants), whereas the online provision of these games will be subject to a flat tax of 20 % of GGR.
quindi include giochi offerti
[...] sovente dai casinò, qualiroulette,poker, baccarat, blackjack [...] [...]
propongono vincite in denaro contante.
Combination gambling thus includes games that are often
[...] offered by casinos, such as roulette, poker, baccarat, blackjack, [...]
un ampio casinò con slot machine tradizionali, quali le Monopoly e giochi da tavolo tra
[...] cui blackjack, dadieroulette.
Golden Gate Casino Hotel features a large casino with traditional slot machines such as Monopoly. Table games
[...] include blackjack, craps and roulette.
[...] carte tra cui blackjack,rouletteepoker a tre carte.
[...] games including blackjack, roulette and three card poker.
Al Cherry Casino puoi giocare con stile a tutti i classici giochi da casinò,
[...] come Slot, Video slot,Roulette,Black Jack, Giochi da [...]
At Cherry Casino you can play all the classic online casino games in style such
[...] as Slots, Videoslots, Roulette, Black Jack, Table Games [...]
[...] delle 90 slot machineserouletteelettroniche di noti [...]
produttori mondiali, avrete la possibilita di vincere numerosi Jackpot.
[...] machines and electronic roulette produced by respectable [...]
manufacturers, offers players the
In tutta onestà, quindi, e in pieno senso di responsabilità, io credo che non accogliere questo compromesso e andare a un'avventurosa conciliazione non è
[...] [...] cittadini europei, ma affidare a una specie dirouletterussa il conseguimento e la fissazione di questi [...]
obiettivi che invece
qui sono chiari e assolutamente incontrovertibili.
In all honesty, therefore, and shouldering our full responsibility, I believe that rejecting this compromise and heading for a risky conciliation
[...] [...] interest of European citizens, but would turn the achievement and establishment of these targets, set [...]
out here in a clear
and absolutely incontrovertible way, into a kind of Russian roulette.
Rinomato per la sua atmosfera elegante e sobria, il casinò dell'hotel Beauregard vi offre la
[...] [...] del blackjack o allaroulette,oltre a serate danzanti [...]
e spettacoli dal vivo.
Renowned for its elegant and discreet atmosphere, Beauregard hotel’s casino
[...] [...] blackjack table or at the roulette, while enjoying dance [...]
evenings and live performances.
Se Nevers presenta dei punti di forza evidenti che consentono di trascorre formidabili momenti in famiglia o con gli amici, i dintorni offrono anch’essi numerose attrazioni : i giocatori saranno esauditi con il Casino di
[...] [...] rivaleggiano in successo con laroulette,gli amanti delle sensazioni [...]
forti non saranno da meno
scoprendo il Circuito di Magny-Cours dove durante tutto l’anno si svolgono numerose gare automobilistiche.
Although Nevers itself has many obvious assets enabling tourists to enjoy wonderful times with the family or with friends, the surrounding area also provides a number of attractions: gamblers will enjoy a dabble in the Casino at
[...] [...] compete happily with roulette, and people who like [...]
big thrills are not to be outdone,
as they discover the Magny-Cours Circuit where many automobile races are held throughout the year.
Le occasioni di gioco, una volta limitate al casinò e al gioco del lotto, sono proliferate grazie alla rete e alla legalizzazione di sale da gioco e apparecchi (ormai più di 400.000 in tutta Italia)
[...] [...] simulano poker, blackjack,rouletteetutti i giochi tipici [...]
del casino.
Gambling opportunities, once limited to the casinos and the lottery, have proliferated thanks to the network and the legalization of gambling halls and appliances (now more than 400,000 in Italy)
disseminated to tobacco and public exercises that
[...] simulate poker, blackjack, roulette and all the typical games [...]
all'altro, da crisi a crisi, il popolo non si rende conto che lo stanno privando di tutto in
[...] una sorta dirouletteinfernale.
From elementary change to elementary change, from year to year,
from crisis to crisis, the people do not realize that everything is being taken from
[...] them in a sort of infernal roulette.
La madre del ragazzo affermò che “somministrare questo farmaco ad un bambino è
[...] come giocare allarouletterussa.
According to the boy’s mother, “Giving this drug to a child is
[...] like playing Russian roulette.
Quasi 200 bambini uccisi dall'inizio dell'intifada , di questo massacro incessante, valgono
[...] meno di alcune fiche dellaroulette.
Almost 200 children have been killed since the beginning of the Intifada, of this incessant massacre, and they are
[...] worth nothing more than roulette chips.
Blackjack”, “AmericanRoulette e vari giochi del poker; [...]
ma anche quasi 300 slot-machine aspettano i fortunati vinicitori.
Blackjack', 'American Roulette' and various poker games [...]
- but also almost 300 slot machines wait for the lucky winners.
Con la sua offerta di oltre 60 giochi differenti confezionati in una veloce modalità di scaricamento 3MB, Europa Casino offre virtualmente qualsiasi gioco di casinò che possa venire in mente ad un giocatore, compresi
[...] [...] let them ride poker,roulette,craps, varie slot single [...]
e multi-line, video slot, video
Boasting an impressive selection 60 plus casino games packed into a quick 3MB download, Europa Casino offers virtually every game a casino player could dream of including
[...] [...] let them ride poker, roulette, craps , plus various [...]
single and multi-line slots, video
[...] giocatori si divertono con laRouletteAmericana, il Black Jack, [...]
il Carribean Stud Poker, il punto Banc e,
naturalmente, con il gioco piu famoso del momento, il Texas Hold’em Poker.
[...] can enjoy playing American Roulette, Black Jack, Caribbean [...]
Stud Poker, Punto Banco and, of course,
the current, most famous game, Texas Hold’em Poker.
[...] le slot machine o laroulette,dove il giocatore non [...]
prende delle decisioni dopo che il gioco è stato chiuso,
è sufficiente rifare il log-in e andare a vedere come si era concluso il gioco cliccando sul bottone «Storia».
In games like Slots and Roulette, where the player does [...]
not make decisions in the game after the round had been started,
you can just log-in to the casino again and see how the game had finished by clicking on the 'Game history' button.
Nei giochi come SlotseRoulette,dove i giocatori non [...]
prendono decisioni nel gioco dopo che il turno è cominciato, può
solo effettuare di nuovo il log-in al casinò e vedere come è finito il gioco cliccando il pulsante ‘Storia Gioco’.
In games like Slots and Roulette, where the player does [...]
not take decisions in the game after the round had been started,
you can just log-in to the casino again and see how the game had finished by clicking on the 'Game history' button.
richiedono il download comprende
[...] classici quali Blackjack,Roulettefrancese, Caribbean [...] [...]
6000, Mega Joker, Mega Fortune, Arabian Nights e molti altri tipi di giochi da casinò e slot machine.
Classic Blackjack, French Roulette, Caribbean Stud Poker, [...]
Jacks or Better, Jackpot 6000, Mega Joker, Mega Fortune, Arabian
Nights and lots of other different kinds of casino games and slot machines are included in our no-download casino portfolio.
[...] come il blackjack, laroulette,il baccarat sono tutti [...]
giochi che richiedono tecniche e strategie, un certo
‘know how’ insomma, quando invece i principianti che giocano per la prima volta alle slot gratuite online possono restare seduti a giocare per ore ed ore continuando ad incrementare i loro guadagni!
Other games like blackjack, roulette, and baccarat are types [...]
of games that require the 'know-how-to' techniques and strategies,
whereas first time players who play free slots online can sit and play for hours and hours and continuously increase their earnings!
Dire che il Baccara custodisce nella sua preziosa cassa un vero e proprio casinò è quasi riduttivo, poiché di fatto, le tradizionali funzioni
di segnatempo (ore e minuti) sono abbinate a complicazioni interattive davvero
[...] straordinarie: bacca,rouletteedadi.
It is a certainly an impressive feat for Baccara to house within its precious case a veritable mini casino comprising baccarat, roulette and dice, all requiring exceptionally
complicated micro-mechanics in addition to those providing the traditional time
[...] indications of central hours and minutes.
Opzioni binarieeroulette Il trading di opzioni binarie non è collegato allaroulette,e non ci sono strategie dirouletteapplicabili alle [...]
Binary Options and Roulette Binary Options trading isn’t related to roulette and there is no roulette strategy for binary options.
piscina con terrazza, un casino con
[...] tavoli da black jackeroulette,un centro benessere [...] [...]
area relax, sale massaggi, trattamenti di bellezza, solarium e una palestra.
Swimming pool with sundeck, a Casino
[...] with black jack and roulette tables, a wellness centre [...] [...]
Jacuzzi, relaxation area, massage halls, beauty treatments, solarium and a gymnasium.
[...] Fortuna, sarà una sorta di roulette dove cliccando apparirà [...]
una citazione a caso tra le mie preferite.
[...] Fortune will be a sort of “roulette” where clicking will [...]
appear a random quotation taken from my favourite ones.
ConRouletteelettronica, Texas Hold'em Poker omologato [...]
per i tornei, le Slot Machines e molti altri avvincenti giochi ed
un angolo in cui acquistare il merchandising ufficiale.
It has electronic Roulette, Texas Hold'em Poker [...]
enabled for tournaments, slot machines and lots of other appealing games,
together with a corner where you can buy official merchandise.
Inoltre, nel nostro Online Casino puoi partecipare a
[...] giochi molto amati, qualiroulette,Black Jack, Texas Hold'em, [...]
[...] popular games such as Roulette, Black Jack, Texas Hold'em, [...]
slot machines and another 50 games in our online casino.
[...] tavoli da poker, duerouletteinglesi e due Black [...]
Jack, due ristoranti, una sala da concerti per 1000 persone.
[...] four poker, two English roulette and two Black Jack tables, [...]
two restaurants, a concert hall
Anche se inizialmente la nuova piattaforma era limitata e offriva soltanto pochi giochi,
[...] [...] conosciuti, come le slot, leroulette,il blackjack, gli ultimi [...]
modelli del casinò mobile sono
ora caratterizzati da circa dieci giochi e le scommesse che non più tardi di domani saranno già considerate 'antiquate'.
Though in the beginning the new platform was limited and offered only a few
[...] [...] to us, namely slots, roulette and blackjack, the latest [...]
mobile casino models are now
featuring as many as ten games, and bets are that figure will be outdated by no later than tomorrow.
Senza dover installare alcun programma, ma fruendo dei giochi online direttamente dal
[...] [...] proveranno le emozioni dellaRoulette,del Black Jack, del [...]
Punto Banco e del 30 et 40 dal vivo,
confrontandosi con veri croupier, in collegamento diretto con il Casinò di Venezia Malta.
Thanks to the connection with the Venice Casino in Malta, your
[...] [...] excitement of playing Roulette, Black Jack, Baccarat [...]
and 30 et 40 live, with real dealers.
Attenzione, sto solo esprimendo la mia opinione personale, perché se chiedete ai miei due colleghi, François Debruge e Antoine Agato, quello che pensano, il
[...] [...] qualcosa del tipo 'LaRouletteè senza dubbio la regina dei casinò' e il secondo vi dirà con un tono sicuro che 'Non si è mai fatto un film sullaRoulettené sulle slot machines' [...]
facendo riferimento
a Las Vegas 21 che descrive in modo molto romanzato (si tratta dell'adattamento del libro - Bringing Down the House - di Ben Mezrich) le avventure di un gruppo di studenti del MIT tra i quali Micky Rosa (il suo vero nome è John Chang) è uno dei personaggi principali, che spenna i più grandi casinò di Las Vegas elaborando una strategia di conteggio delle carte.
If you ask my two friends, Francis Debruge and Antoine Agato, what they
[...] [...] answer something like 'Roulette is the undisputed queen of Casinos' and the latter will insist 'that they have never made a film about Roulette or Slot Machines' referring [...]
to the film Las
Vegas 21 which tells the very romanticized (this is actually an adaptation of the book - Bringing Down the House - Ben Mezrich) adventures of a group of MIT students, including Micky Rosa (his real name is John Chang) who wiped out the largest casinos in Las Vegas by developing a strategy of counting cards.
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History of Casino:

The origin and history of casino and gambling is unknown. However, there is a belief that gambling was present among the human society. It is vital to note that the Chinese recorded the initial gambling account practice in 2300 B.C. Going back to history, there are plenty of entertainment stories that are based on the Ancient Greeks, Games of Chance, Elizabeth England and the Romans to Napoleons. All these are evidence of the origins of gambling.


The first well-known casino in the world was the Casino di Venezia, which was established in Italy back in 1638. It is interesting to note that this casino is still operational to date.

It is worth noting that in the early 20th Century, gambling was outlawed in the U.S, which was done by the social reformers and the state legislation. This went on until 1931 when gambling was legalized in Nevada State and Las Vegas. In turn, this led to the sprawling of the initial legalized casinos in America, which later became quite famous.

Gambling continued to gain popularity and in 1978, gambling was legalized in Atlantic City. Today, this is the second biggest gambling city in America. Some of the other popular gaming destinations in America include Mississippi, Tunica Resorts and Biloxi in Gulf, Coast area.

The English are also not left far behind when it comes to gambling. History proves that the English were behind the development of Hazard. This game was the predecessor of the dice game as well as the contemporary poker games. Notably, the history of the poker games can be traced back to the Persians and Italians.

Roulette Engelsk Norsk


In France, the origins of gambling can be dated back to Emperor Napoleon. The Emperor had special interest in vingt-et-un, which is referred to today as Twenty-one or the Blackjack. Roulette is also traced back to the French although a deeper insight into the history of the game shows that the game was adopted from the Egyptians.

So, what is the origin of the term casino? The word casino has Italian origins. Casino means a building that is specifically built for pleasure. These kinds of buildings were utilized to host the civic town functions that included music, dancing and gambling. The term Casino is also relevant in German and Spanish and it refers to a mess. Later on, the term Casino was also inclusive of public buildings where sports and pleasurable activities took place.

Roulette Engelsk

Rysk Roulette Engelska


At the onset, casinos were not only utilized for playing. For instance, the Hanko Casino situated in Finland was actually never utilized for gambling and it was one of the most conspicuous landmarks in the town then. Today, this casino is used as a restaurant. Also the Copenhagen casino was a theater and its halls were utilized for huge public meetings.

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